Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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  • new_horizon
    04-10 01:40 AM
    chaanakya, why do you have a problem with the donors? if you don't want to make any monetary sacrifice that's fine...nobody's complaining. Now it's only fair that you don't complain when people making additional sacrifice are given some recognition. Don't mistake...those donors also make all other forms of non-monetary contributions. Have patience things will work out slowly but surely.

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  • NolaIndian32
    04-27 01:56 PM
    Thanks for your help and support pshah. We appreciate it.

    This brings our total to $3,336.

    Lets get this up to $5000!!!

    Go IV

    Junior Member Join Date: May 2007
    Posts: 10


    Just contributed $100. Will contribute more later......
    Receipt ID: 0KS2344729223841T

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  • mantagon
    05-27 02:44 PM
    GO IV!!

    Transaction ID: 1KV16797636597104

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  • chaanakya
    04-10 02:01 PM
    Those who do talk and blame in the anonymity of the web andnever do anything and keep hiding behind their closets expecting sky to fall are the one who "don't wear clothes"

    Chandu, you made me laugh (in a fun way, not in the making fun of you way). Hiding is done inside the closet, not behind it. Maybe lack of clothes is explainable because one is "behind" the closet :)

    On a serious note though, You provided so many ways that money is being raised by running marathons, funding drives etc etc...but come on, where on this website or anywhere else is it mentioned how this money is being spent??

    I have absolutely no right to ask that question because i have never contributed money. But when i am told that I dont have access to this thread or that thread because I am not a donor...I do have the right to question if this organization actually represents all immigrants or just the donors?? If the motto of IV becomes "Change for fairness and justice (For Donors Only)" then it would make a lot more sense to me. But as long as IV keeps on harping that they represent the plight of legal immigrants (which I am) then I do have the right to ask the question ..."What exactly has IV done?"

    Asking the question is never the problem, it may make people uncomfortable but I want people (like yourself) who are contributing to at least ask IV before ranting on people like me (who dont contribute) to support the cause...Supporting the cause is NOT equal to giving IV money. The republicans already tried something similar ..."If you are anti-war, you dont support the troops"..That was fallacious and so are all the personal attacks on the "freeloaders" (like myself ofcourse).


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  • thomachan72
    07-21 09:01 AM

    I am very glad that you brought this point. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than suing the DOL. We may not sue DOL on their inability to clear the backlogs, but we can definitely sue them in their utter and deliberate disregard to FIFO procedures (mind that some people with priority dates in 2004, 2005 have already got their labor certifications, but some with priority dates in 2001, 2002 are still stuck). When I read on the DOL web site that they have tried to maintain FIFO, it makes me feel like puking.

    Some folks have pointed that the lawsuit is not worth, as it has little chance of winning. To me personally, more than winning or loosing, it is a matter of bringing injustice to the light, as Gandhi has said something in this line: First step against injustice is to make it visible. This law suit will bring public scrutiny to the misdeeds of the DOL.

    Even if all the backlogs get cleared by September 2007, severe damage has been already dealt to our lives. Though I am close to getting my labor clearance (I filed RRI few weeks back), I am strongly in favor of continuing with the law suit even after getting the labor clearance.

    Let�s get IV�s attention and support in this area. Let�s talk to AILA. Let�s write letters to senators and house representatives (congresswoman Lofgren may be good person to start with). Let�s write to media personnel. Let�s do whatever needs to be done to expose this insult and injury to the immigrants who waited in the line for years and followed rules of the game.
    I would strongly suggest talking personally to IV leaders about this. These are folks who by now really have a feel about how things are handled out there. They will suggest the best way to tackle this issue and am sure with their mature guidance, this is a very simple techinical issue that can be resolved. You are literally just saying "SIR, I WAS HERE BEFORE. I KNOW YOU ARE BUSY AND POSSIBLY FAILED TO NOTICE ME, BUT HERE I AM, AND I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR LONG TO GET YOUR ATTENTION". honestly I dont think even USCIS wants to hurt you purposely, its just that the traffic of new PERM thing has overcrowded their desk and mind so they have shelved your applications unknowingly. PLEASE SHOUT OUT----THROUGH IV ONLY. let them realize that we have a strong organization and ONLY ONE STRONG ORGANIZATION.

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  • ek_bechara
    06-23 04:57 PM
    I asked my Indian and (close) American colleagues to call. My boss called as well.



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  • grupak
    12-10 01:18 PM
    IV is more than a website. We are trying to build a grassroots organization. Things are taking place offline as well.

    It takes time to build the base. Strengthening the state chapters is one of the best thing we can do. Our first chapter meeting was very small as well but we will build from there. More members are forthcoming to meet lawmakers now.

    pansworld: I might be able to help reach out to more people in NM

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  • asdcrajnet
    07-06 07:13 AM
    Berry Appleman really sucks. Dont ever go there.
    I gave all my signed I485/G28/I325/I765/I131/693/Photos forms by June 8th. They filed mine on June 27th. They reviewed it for 17 days.
    They never attend email or calls. Hope mine gets accepted.

    I don't think Berry Appleman is a good firm, they took 30 days for all people to prepare simple docs for I 485 which takes 2 hours for us to prepare and they never respond to calls and email.


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  • gcdreamer05
    06-25 11:50 AM
    I called Rep. Lamar Smith and requested his support for the 3 bills, the lady asked my zip and name and told me she will pass on the message.

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  • amitps
    09-26 10:41 PM
    I got a reject for missing/incorrect fee. Any one out there?

    Nope, luckily all our receipts were received today.

    Which branch of Fragomen are you working with? Did they tell you the rejection reason.

    Rejection from such a big law firm is pathetic....


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  • santb1975
    02-29 09:50 PM
    March 10'th - That's the latest update from the So.Cal chapter lead

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  • quotes for est friends forever. est friends quotes and; est friends quotes and. iangreen. Apr 29, 02:34 PM. Yeah, same reaction here.

  • bestofall
    09-23 06:32 AM
    I'm perplexed.... "You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. "... or the one with him shouting at Tina the Llama to eat food?

    In all seriousness, I haven't had time to celebrate or let it sink in. That'll come soon enough, after the events of last week have settled

    I'm not going anywhere though. My battle may be over, but there's plenty of fight left in me :)

    My salute to your commitment for every one's cause ..
    IV should be proud of having people like you !


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  • gc_kaavaali
    12-10 05:05 PM
    I agree with you...

    State boards are kind of semi internet usgae only (Though not forum...). But those also do not make passive ones come ahead. So real issue is not the type of meet, the first real issue is feeling that you are in trouble..and 2nd is to stand up for fighting against that. And 3rd.. yes through IV we will be able to do this and so become active.

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  • superdude
    09-19 04:59 PM
    I am with you.

    To everyone who thinks rallies dont make a difference, as described here :

    This is not an attack post. Or a criticizing post. This is purely educational and please keep this thread clean.

    I know there are many out there who are snickering in their cubicles looking at the pictures of the rally and thinking "Look at these idiots, they think Congress will pass SKIL bill because they walked 1.2 miles with some placards and banners".

    Such thinking is reasonable. But only if you dont know how things work.

    Here is why rally of Sept 18th will be consequential:

    1. When you do a rally, people notice. People recognize organization and measure its strength. It stays in their heads for a long time and they keep Immigration Voice as one of the organizations they can ask for support when they push for their own cause. In Congress, things work based on compromise, consensus and consultation. People dont just sponsor legislations they believe in. They run it thru their caucus and leadership and do a vote count. To find out how many votes would they get if they came up with this new idea. Whether it will get 218 votes in House. Whether they will get 51 votes in senate. If its filibuster proof and get 61 votes in Senate. Whether it has committee support. Whether leadership offices are in agreement to put it in schedule. All this happens in background and there are people who are hired in committees just to do vote counts on proposed ideas. IF it turns out they dont find enough support, they drop it. If they think they can pull it off, they approach leadership (Speaker in House, Maj leader in Senate) to put it in queue.

    2. Let us say that Congressman X wants to sponser SKIL bill because of his constituency or a senator (like Feinstein) wants to sponsor AgJobs because food growers are having food rotten in absence of agricultural workers, a compelling cause. Now, when they want to pass legislation, they have to look for support and votes as described in item 1. When they fall short, they find ways to sweeten the pot. IF they see that a powerful organization will throw in their support and lobbying in favor of their bill if they attach a few of that organization's provisions, then they approach them. Immigration Voice did 138 lawmakers meetings (in House and Senate). They did the rally. They would consider IV as a organization that can help them PUSH for their legislation. Now we have a place at the negotiating table. If they attach our provisions (like recapture, or GC quota increase), then we can promise to do something for them. Like support the entire bill they are pushing for. They know that we can do rallies and we can do hundreds of lawmaker meetings. If Diane Feinstein (just an example) thinks that by adding skilled employment based reform provisions she can get IV's support and swing a few votes to help her pass her favorite AgJobs bill, then we have opportunity where the Senator would ask us what we want rather than us going and asking them to do things for us. One of IV members said that on the day of the rally, suddenly the office of her senator called her and scheduled and appointment to meet the same day at 4:00 PM. She had been trying to get the appointment but after they rally and Roll call newspaper ad (, they called her to listen to her. I heard about this from her just as the rally was over.

    3. CIR has recently failed. From some meetings, I got the feeling that CIR's failure has left a bad taste in mouth and many people in Congress as well as administration are very upset about it still. Now that we have done this rally, done lawmaker meetings, put a rollcall ad, did the media blitz, press conference, congressional reception (where 4 congressmen attended and spoke in IV's support), they know that it would be a good idea to keep IV on their side and put some of their things in a bill. Next time they write a bill (behind closed doors very often), they will consult us and ask us if they can do something for IV to win IV's full support. That's because by getting IV's support on their side for whatever they are doing, they can be assured that we wont oppose it but instead support it. With phone calls, Rallies, paid ads, lawmaker meetings etc. If they are really investing in getting a bill passed, they would include our provisions just to increase the odds.

    Strength respects strength. If we have the strength to do things and make a difference (rallies, meetings, receptions, press conferences, paid ads), then that strength begets more strenght because other powers want us to join hands with them so that they can do their favorite things (AgJobs, DREAM etc).


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  • add78
    04-29 02:11 PM
    Contibution $100
    Paypal Transaction # 8V7485206M3202645

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  • kate123
    02-13 05:25 PM
    I agree.. Let us focus on the main agenda "APPLYING FOR AOS WHEN PD NOT CURRENT"

    I read through your reply, however, I found it extremely hard for me to accept your points. You've been probably on EAD too long to remember what a dire condition you came from as an H1B worker. Let's look at it:

    As an AOS, you can:
    - Work for any employer
    - Not work at all
    - Travel out of the country without worrying visa delay
    - When you got laid off, no need to worry about being out of status or restarting GC

    As an H1B worker:
    - If you are laid off, everything, years of wait, thousands of dollars, down the drain, and the whole family becomes out of status immediately. And in this dire economy, this is a sword hanging on the head of every H1B worker.
    - Worry about re-entry visa each time you travel

    With such a huge different, I can hardly convience myself that EAD is 'useless' or 'waste'. True, you'll need to work for same or similar job, but compared to the benefit, it is not nearly as big a problem faced by H1B workers day by day.


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  • webm
    06-04 12:28 PM
    hey eb3_nepa

    One quick question....if the spouse is on H4, working on EAD and then travels outside and comes back in using her H4....can she then still use her EAD.....??

    Yes fill the I-9 form and again can continue work on EAD..but better use AP at POE if she already used EAD before..

    my 2 cents..

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  • Desertfox
    05-17 02:15 PM
    Very easy....emails sent.

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  • ca_gc
    04-26 12:38 AM
    Paid $100 thro' paypal.

    Receipt ID: 63R34602DA073235X

    09-20 12:52 PM
    While we are at discussing participation, a question I heard at DC comes to my mind. A member ( anil_sap?) asked another Texan member ( forgot name) - 'What takes you to become an Active member?'. To which my friend answered - 'Isn't he active alredy. He is here'.

    That made me think - is being active a nebulous concept. Who's is the real active member of IV? The Core and near-core that strategize, plan , co-ordinate and conduct the business? The guys subscribed to monthly payment but missed DC? Guys who were at DC but not monthly contributors? Guys who were there all 4 days? Guys who visited for a day? "Lunch-Break" agitators? Who is 'active' among these will depend on whom you ask!

    The following portion is in humor. Don't take it in bad spirit.

    I did a self-evaluation, and guess-what, I realized I was a different breed. A 'Know-Nothing' IV member!

    Being a IV member

    1) Do I know why was such a mass mobilization done on that particular day? Is it because there was a push for STRIVE act as speculated in the forums here? Or is it SKIL we are pushing?


    2) What is the criteria for getting selected for Lawmaker meetings? Why weren't some selected after following the USCIS-inspired process? ( inspired by Marks skit)

    Step 1 : Submit Labor petition E-IV-LOBBYDAY ( twice)
    Step 2 : Verification by Labor department (or is it Name check)
    Step 3 : Receipt Notice ( Talking Points)
    Step 4 : Waiting...
    Step 5 : Followup with RO (Rally Officer). You are still under Processing Time
    Step 6 : Waiting...
    Step 7 : More followup..
    Step 8 : Retrogression due to insufficient (visa) numbers


    3) Didn't some members from my state attend Lawmakers meetings? What was the result? Where they positive or negative about our cause? What should we do to followup with them?


    4) What does it takes to become an 'Active' member as defined by Anil? What will take for IV to trust a member enough to let him know of the purported plan for World-Domination? Or should we just remain content gossiping (with near-core members) and making our own guesses?


    5) Does my State chapter even exist as of today? Or is it an IV version of Flying Sphaggeti Monster, that we should worship without questioning?


    With so many 'KNOW NOTHINGS' to my credit, I feel like the member of a secret American political party in the time of the Whigs.

    Hey, You are one of the most sensible forum members I have come across. Keep up the good work and keep the posts coming. I was there at the rally and I agree 110% with you on everything you said above.

    09-12 11:46 PM
    Prince charming - I invoked AC21 sometime back after 180 days of filing 485 and moved to a new job on EAD.

    My ex employer revoked 140. At this point of time I did a lot of research and found out the following things

    (1) AC21 letter never reaches your file - there is no system in place for AC21 letter. G 28 gets into the system because there is a process in place for G 28
    AC21 is a law that allows you to change jobs but there is no system in place.

    (2) AC21 letter must be provided upon request - different officers want differtent information so they generally issue a NOID and ask you to submit evidence in 30 days. USCIS in some cases sends out straight denials. The denial letter generally has information to file MTR within 30 days if the case needs to be reopened due to USCIS error.

    In August when my case was being processed, they sent me a NOID but sent my wife Fp notice - I called customer service and was advised that she can go for FP as usual but I have to respond to NOID before they move forward with my case and I promptly responded with AC21 and my case status changed to "Case reopened, response received" and there were soft LUDs hitting my 485.

    Keep all documentation ready and be proactive, you can hire a good lawyer from MTR, remember that when you file for MTR, you cannot work - so before you inform your employer, get a letter from them and then inform them - in case employers will be reluctant to give any documentation if they know you cannot work for sometime. If you are on h1b you dont have to worry.

    MTR approvals can take 3 to 5 weeks or more too.

    if not on h1b you start accruing unlawful status and usually lawyers suggest that you stay till less than 180 days when your MTR is filed - it never takes 180 days for a decision on MTR so dont worry about unlawful status.

    These are hidden risks in AC21 but good news is that AC21 cases have always been successful.

    You may have to go through this period of uncertainity.

    Good luck.

    Take care man

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